What is the N°1 enemy of Digital Transformation? (It’s not what you think!)
It's one of the biggest "buzzwords" of recent years: Digital Transformation!
Augmented Reality potential in Digital Marketing
How to stay on top of mind during this crisis?
How to make your brand's voice heard in the noise?
5 Steps to Successfully Pivot you Businesses in Crisis Times- Ideas from Silicon Valley
In the Global crisis we are living in and its HUGE impact on economies,many companies are not able to go back to where they were before crisis times.
Why a Business Continuity Plan can SAVE your Business in case of an Emergency or a disaster!
Is your business prepared for an emergency or disaster? To prevent the spread of the virus, many businesses are having their employees work from home: This doesn't come without risk!
Los Angeles Digital Day – Are you on the list?
Hi everyone! This is Ines coming to you from downtown Los Angeles. I want to shoot this video to personally invite you to attend LA Digital Day, the COVID-19 edition.
Why LOVE matters to your Business in the Digital Age!
Today, if you are an entrepreneur or a business owner, the message your brand is sending to the world is more important than ever before.
Why fake followers on Social media won’t help your business in 2020?
It is sad but true: In any given time and any given industry, there were always people who try to fool other people, not playing with the rules and faking numbers, KPIs, and metrics.
Do the math: SEO + UX =…!
User experience Refers to how your visitors will perceive your website. If this feeling is positive, they will come back. If it is not, you already know the answer!!
How to make Google love you?
Millions of website owners around the globe dream to be Google's favorite! There is no magic in that but you will need a lot of science, art, and expertise to get there.