5 Steps to Successfully Pivot you Businesses in Crisis Times- Ideas from Silicon Valley

In the Global crisis we are living in and its HUGE impact on economies,many companies are not able to go back to where they were before crisis times.

Therefore they might need to pivot and fast!

If that’s your case, I highly recommend you watch this video till the end.

My guest Eileen Brewer shares with us how to quickly evaluate your current business to determine if you need to pivot and shows us the simple steps to follow for a quick and successful pivot if you need to take one.

In this video, we’re going to look at 5 steps to help you know what you should do next to find some new revenue stream products or services and understand what your value proposition is.

  • 1st Step: Status Quo
  • 2nd Step: Review Finances
  • 3rd Step: Customer Needs
  • 4th Step: Pivot Party
  • 5th Step: Prototype

About the guest speaker:

Global Consultant, Speaker, and Trainer

Eileen Brewer holds a Bachelor’s in Information Technology and has 20 years of experience in product development in Silicon Valley, building hundreds of software and hardware products. Ms. Brewer has been an angel investor since 2015, where she listens to hundreds of startup pitches and mentors’ entrepreneurs. Ms. Brewer has also been a mentor for the US State Dept TechWomen Exchange program since 2012, where she has mentored dozens of women from many countries. She is now a global consultant running Entrepreneurship workshops.

If you need specific help check: https://www.eileenbrewer.com/

Your feedback is IMPORTANT:

Future events:

If you want to earn new skills and grow in the Digital Age we are living in and the uncertain times we are facing, try attending one of my events. Whether it’s online or in-person, you will get so much VALUE and ACTIONABLE takeaways!

In my events, I address digital challenges business owners and professionals are facing. All my events are filled with amazing workshops about digital trends and innovations allowing people to develop new skills and get access to systems that work.
Because we are human beings before being digital beings, I also address more personal issues like Productivity, Continuous learning, Digital Readiness, and much more.

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